Our Calendar
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Friday, June 12, 2020
Aggie Weekly- June 12th- Last Edition of the 2019-2020 School Year
Good Afternoon Students, Parents, and Community Members:
We hope that you have had a great week and were able to turn in all of your assignments this week. Anyone who has not turned in all of their assignments will have until Wednesday to turn them in. We encourage parents and students to check PowerSchool to see if there are any missing assignments.
As guidance becomes available to reopen schools in September through the Department of Education, we will be informing students and parents as we get closer to coming back to school. This will be the last newsletter of the school year, so we wanted to wish everyone a safe and happy summer break.
Class of 2020 Graduation Meeting: Click here to view the meeting that was recorded on Zoom.
Click here for the Graduation Meeting Presentation
Click here for the Graduation Plan- Tentative waiting on final approval from Dighton Board of Health. Plan is subject to change based on COVID concerns in our local area.
BCAHS Graduation Guidelines for Class of 2020 Graduates & Families
Date | Sunday, July 19th **RAIN OR SHINE** |
Time | 10:00 AM (Postpone due to weather for later in the day) Seniors should line up starting at the Gilbert Hall Entrance at 9:30 AM. Graduates will stand 6 feet apart in two separate lines. All students must wear a face mask with their cap and gowns and will be expected to wear them. Students may remove face masks while receiving their diplomas. |
Location | Bristol County Agricultural High School Baseball Field |
Graduation Rehearsal | In order to participate in the Graduation Ceremony on Sunday, July 19th, you must attend graduation rehearsal on Thursday, July 16th at 8:00 am. If you will not be in attendance, please contact Mr. Braga. To limit |
What should the health of attendees be at the time of the event? | Any graduate, their family, school personnel, and others who are feeling sick, are exhibiting any of the following symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell), or have potentially been exposed to someone with confirmed or suspected COVID-19, should not attend. A potential exposure means having household contact or having close contact (within 6 feet) with an individual with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 for a prolonged period of time (over 15 minutes) while the person is symptomatic or 48 hours before symptoms develop. Persons who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 according to the Centers for Disease Control (e.g., due to age or underlying conditions) should be discouraged from attending the graduation ceremony. |
Who is allowed to attend? | Each graduate will be provided with 2 tickets for immediate family members. Each ticket will be paired in sections of two. |
Where will immediate family members sit? | Attendees from the same household will be permitted to sit together. Each family will be spaced at least 6 feet apart. On the baseball field, there will be specific markings to identify designated seats appropriately spaced. Please view the attached Appendix A for a visual of the layout. |
How should immediate family members enter the graduation ceremony? | Signage or pavement/ground markings will be posted to have one-way aisles for entering and exiting from the graduation service. If a line forms outside of the graduation, those waiting should be directed to maintain social distancing. Ground markings will be laid on the ground outside of the venue in order to maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet. Tickets will be collected in order to gain entrance. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60 percent alcohol will be available at all entrances and exits. |
Are immediate family members expected to wear face coverings? | All attendees must wear face coverings before, during, and after the ceremony. The only exceptions are when a person is unable to wear a face-covering or mask because of a medical or other disabling condition. Any person who refuses to wear a face-covering or mask without a valid justification will be denied entry. |
How will the graduates enter? | Graduates must enter and exit 6 feet apart from one another. Graduates will enter how they normally would for graduation but the spacing will just be greater (6 feet). |
Where will graduates sit? | Graduates will be seated 6 feet apart on the baseball field. Please see the attached Appendix A to see how students will be seated. |
Do graduates need to wear face coverings? | All graduates must wear face coverings before, during, and after the ceremony. Graduates will be allowed to remove their face coverings when crossing the stage to receive their diploma. Speakers may remove masks during their remarks. |
How will graduates receive their diplomas? | Graduates will walk across the stage and pick up their diploma from a table next to the podium. No hugging or handshaking will occur. |
Will the venue be cleaned prior to the ceremony? | The chairs will be cleaned prior to the service, including heavy transit areas. |
Bathrooms | Porter potties will be on site. A custodian will be on duty and spray down the facilities each time someone has come out. |
Can immediate family members and graduates gather before or after the ceremony at the Stadium? | There can be no communal gathering/reception either before or after graduation. Four Police details will be hired to keep students and families from forming large gatherings. Everyone will be directed to their vehicles upon the conclusion of the ceremony. The police will assist in the exit of traffic. |
Will there be food or drink allowed? | No food or drink is allowed, except for water. |
Where will faculty and distinguished guests sit? | Faculty and distinguished guests should be limited and must be seated 6 feet apart. Please see the attached Appendix A to view how they will be seated. |
How will the ceremony be kept brief? | We have eliminated the guest speaker for this year’s graduation ceremony. |
How will the ceremony conclude? | Graduates and families will be directed to their vehicles to commence the Graduation Driving Celebration. Dighton Police will assist in directing traffic. |
Bristol County Agricultural High School Graduation Driving Celebration
Date: Sunday, July 19, 2020
Time: Approximately 11:30 am
Attendance: Approximately 125 vehicles
Route: Dighton, N. Dighton, Taunton, Raynham
Distance: 15 miles
Duration: Approximately 30 minutes
Upon conclusion of Graduation, students and families will be directed to exit the ceremony and enter their vehicles. Vehicles will assemble in a single file line exiting the lower drive. The Dighton Police will assist with traffic coordination.
Graduation Driving Celebration:
135 Center Street, Dighton (Bristol Aggie)
123 Williams Street, N. Dighton
44 Taunton Green, Taunton
231 Broadway, Taunton (Pass under Bristol Aggie banner)
Turn right down Washington Street
Turn left on Winter Street
Turn left on 44 East
Police escort ends at the Cape Roads Plaza (600 South St W/ Rt-24 & US-44)
NOTES: The Dighton Police Department has agreed to assist us in our Graduation Driving Celebration as long as we socially distance ourselves in the parking lots prior to graduation and leading up to the driving celebration.
1 vehicle per family is requested (if you need to request an additional vehicle, please contact Mr. Braga at KBraga@bcahs.com)
Parents/Guardians are recommended to drive and students are encouraged to be passengers so they can enjoy the festivities safely to avoid distractions and accidents.
Students/Guests must remain in their cars at all times and follow traffic laws. No students will be allowed to ride in the sunroofs or in the back of trucks.
Class of 2020 Cap Decoration Survey: Congratulations Class of 2020! Your input has been considered and you will be the class to start a new Bristol Aggie tradition! Guidelines on decorating caps will be sent at a later time. Stay tuned for more information.
Class of 2020 Top 10: Click here to see the full story in the Herald News
Word Clouds: Every graduate’s first and last name was entered into a word cloud generator. The more a word is repeated the larger the generator makes the word. Congratulations to this year’s graduates.
In the Classroom: In these troubled times when Covid-19 has taken so many of our elder’s lives, it is important to remember their stories and the legacy that they left behind for all of us. Recently students in Mrs. Coderre’s Junior Honors English class wrote their own memoirs in response to Frank McCourt’s Angela’s Ashes. Aydin Buckley chose to write about the impact that his “Mama” has had on shaping his life. Mama was born of parents who had fled Russia because they were persecuted for their Jewish beliefs. Like so many, her family found safety in the United States and began creating a life of honor. Aydin’s testimony to her love, humor and resiliency is a story that is worth reading.
By: Aydin Buckley
This is a story of someone truly special, who taught me how to be a strong, loving human being. She was my friend, my mentor, and my grandmother.
Throughout our lives, we meet so many unique people, many of whom we grow close to. We love and admire them; and in turn, they take care of us and influence the adult we grow up to be. We can’t always predict where we will find these people, and they often come from the places we least expect them to. For me, funnily enough, it was my mother’s boss’ mother. Her name was Minnie, but we endearingly called her Mama.
Mama was an elderly woman, the daughter of first-generation Russian immigrants, refugees from Soviet rule. She was wheelchair bound after diabetes took her leg, something she blamed on her sweet tooth from when she was younger. Despite this, she was a big ball of energy, always on the roll and always quick to run over your toes if you nagged her. I recall our excursions around Middleboro, going to fairs or visiting her old friends to gossip. To anyone else, it was a little boy taking care of his grandmother; but in our eyes, we were two best friends going on an adventure. We loved each other's company, and I gave her a piece of my childish energy, something she needed.
Whenever I was around her, you’d best believe I would hear a thousand stories. I owe my wisdom to her, but I’m sure she’d probably say it was the other way around. Despite being little, I wasn’t afraid to talk about life’s big questions with her, which she got a kick out of. No matter the topic, we were always able to come to one conclusion: as long as we all stick together and stay optimistic, life’s only gonna get better from here. This makes sense when you take in account her heritage. Her family was threatened with death back in Russia, but they never gave up on one another and kept their chins held high. And because of that, they were able to make it to America where they could be safe and happy. Mama taught me this kind of optimism is the lifeblood of all Jews. Her philosophy was that although it seemed we have spent eternity running from evil forces, as long as people are good to one another and keep their faith, we will come out stronger than ever! Because of her, I know that good will always overcome evil, and that has been so important in my life.
The talking was only half of the experience when you visited Mama. The other half was the food, and she cooked a lot of it. I loved the Jewish food she would make: crispy latkes, creamy blintzes, and the sweet, delicious holishkes. She made sure that we would eat, even if we didn’t want it; but once we took our first bite, we didn’t need the convincing to stay for seconds. I did nothing but gain weight when I was little, and it was all thanks to her feeding me! Believe me when I say that I did not mind in the slightest. Her cooking is something that nobody forgot, and we all miss it dearly. It was part of her. We always try remembering watching her cook, so that maybe, just maybe, we can recreate it.
Towards the end of her life, Mama was more optimistic than ever. I remember her ninetieth birthday party vividly. She was bragging about how her centennial was going to be even more extravagant, and right after, she had me spinning her around in her wheelchair as the music played. In that moment, I never imagined that it would stop, and I admittedly took it for granted. Sometimes when life is so great, we forget how fragile it is. Only a few years later, Mama became ill and finally decided to turn to the last chapter in her book of life. None of us saw it coming; it just moved so fast. Things had been so normal and happy only days before.
The day of her funeral still rings in my heart. In the morning and on the drive there, it still felt like nothing had happened. My mind was filled with denial. The second I sat down on the pew, and the funeral began, it all struck me too hard. The chanting of Hebrew prayer broke me, and my crying was something so fierce that my face and chest just burned. I lost my best friend, and I knew I’d never see her again. I’d never visit her, and we’d never laugh together again. But when the eulogies began, I was suddenly comforted with her memories. I soon remembered that Mama would run our toes over with her wheelchair if she knew we were crying so bad, something that squeezed a smile out of me.
Even today I cry; but through her memories, her food, and the lessons she taught me, I have realized that I never truly lost her. Mama is a part of me, and I’m never going to let her go. She was by all means my grandmother, someone who raised me to be a strong, compassionate human being. To so many in our community, she was a friend, and someone you could always lean on for a good lunch, and a great conversation. Her story is one that should be cherished, and so are the stories of everyone else who has loved and nurtured us.
We wanted to create an online Student Job posting to help you get started. Please click the link(s) below to view the job posting(s).
North Attleboro:
NaturaLawn of America & Mosquito Ranger
BARCLAY Water Management Job Description
Landscape Maintenance Tasks NEW POSTING 6/5/2020
Week Ahead:
Monday: June 15
Tuesday: June 16
Wednesday: June 17
Thursday, June 18 - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL
Friday, June 19- No School- Start of Summer Break- Please be safe!
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Aggie Weekly-June 5th
Aggie Weekly
Good Afternoon Students, Parents, and Community Members: Please click here for the Aggie Weekly
This week our students continued their distance learning. Next week is the last week for new assignments and the last week of school will be used for make up work. If you have any questions about which assignments are owed, please check PowerSchool first, then contact your teacher. Good luck and continue to work hard for the next two weeks!
Bristol Aggie Student Services
Resources for Tolerance, Inclusion & Racism
We have compiled a list of resources for families and students who need a place when starting and/or processing conversations about race, racial injustice, inclusion and tolerance. We hope you find them helpful and enjoy reading through them.
For Parents:
For Students:
For Everyone:
Last Week of School: There will be NO new assignments after Thursday June 11th. The reminder of the time will be allowed for make-up work, which will be due to your teacher no later than Wednesday, June 17th at 3:00. Final grades will be posted on Friday, June 19th. Let us know if you have any questions.
Class of 2020 Tribute Video: Students, staff, administration, parents, and members of our community recorded brief messages for the Class of 2020. #BAPride
2020 Bristol Aggie Prom and Graduation Update:
Dear Class of 2021 and Class of 2020,
Thank you for your continued patience as we tried to delay the announcement of 2020 Prom. Last week, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) issued guidance for schools planning to host graduation ceremonies this summer. No specific guidance has been issued for proms and I do not anticipate we will receive additional information as most proms have been canceled across the Commonwealth. In our effort to have as many of the events for our students as possible but do so safely, we have tried to balance the need to be patient, delaying any decision, with trying to respect the need for families to plan their summer and finances as prom is an expensive event. Ticket sales for the prom were supposed to begin next week, June 8th.
In my effort to try to apply the restrictions that have been established for graduation ceremonies by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and Governor Baker’s four-phase re-opening plan to the 2020 Bristol Aggie Prom, I have come to the following conclusions:
- A prom would have to be held outside in an unconfined outdoor space that can accommodate social distancing and the flow of air. Tents or other enclosed spaces are not permitted. This would mean the prom could not be held at the Taunton Holiday Inn.
- Even if the prom was held outdoors in a venue that would accommodate social distances and the flow of air (for instance on site at Bristol Aggie), prom attendees would need to remain six feet apart and wear a face covering. This restriction would create difficulty for students to have an enjoyable evening as it significantly limits the student’s ability to eat safely, socialize freely, and dance together. Furthermore, monitoring the guidelines would not be feasible.
- A prom is an expensive event for students and families, especially, if students were not able to enjoy the evening with these restrictions. These restrictions are intended for all graduations throughout the summer, so it is safe to assume these restrictions will be intended for any other events held throughout the summer.
- Even under phase 4 (final phase) of Governor Baker’s reopening plan, we need to be socially distant six feet apart and wear face coverings.
While the Bristol Aggie Prom is canceled for this summer, we are excited to announce that the Board of Trustees and the local Board of Health has approved an outdoor graduation ceremony on Sunday July 19th. We are still working on the details of the event, but wanted to inform you of the date change (from Saturday, July 18th) due to the guidance provided by Governor Baker and the Commissioner of Education. More information will be provided in the next week or two. I appreciate everyone’s understanding and please reach out with any questions or concerns.
Sincerely, Kevin P. Braga, Assistant Superintendent/Principal
Rochester Council on Aging Board of Directors: The Board of Directors provided a message to the Class of 2020. Click here to view the message.
Animal Science Alumni Update: 2018 Animal Science Graduate Noah Carello
I am a 2018 BCAHS graduate from Large Animal Science. Following graduation, I attended the University of Massachusetts, Amherst where I majored in Animal Science, with a concentration in Animal Management. In March of 2019, I received an offer to study veterinary medicine at the University of Bristol in England.
The University of Bristol School of Veterinary Sciences is one of eight veterinary schools currently established in the UK, and is ranked 15th internationally. The course is a 5 year bachelor’s degree that, when completed, will grant me the ability to practice veterinary medicine in the United Kingdom, Europe, North America, South Africa, and Australasia.
In September of 2019, I moved to the city of Bristol, which is on the southwestern coast of England. My first year curriculum consisted of anatomy, physiology, histology (anatomy under the microscope) and biochemistry. In addition to health sciences, topics also included Professional Studies and Animal Management. Four days a week teaching is at the main university campus in the city, while one day a week pre-clinical students venture 45 minutes into the countryside to the Langford campus. At Langford, we complete all of our animal handling practicals and most lectures relating to management. The course is great fun with about half of teaching being hands on, lab style classes which really encourages students to get involved and to learn by doing. Over our Easter break, I spent two weeks lambing in Exmoor national park, in North Devon. Here, I helped care for and deliver over 400 lambs while gaining great experience on a large scale sheep production farm. This week, I am sitting my last two exams for first year, after which will progress me onto my second year of veterinary school.
MSBA Update: The construction project is in full swing. We have brick on CSE and the walls are going up fast in the Student Commons. #BAPride #BAFuture
Week Ahead:
Monday: June 8 - Student Distance Learning Organizer
Math, Science, Voags (Related and Major)
Student/Parent Graduation Q/A
Tuesday: June 9 - Student Distance Learning Organizer
History and ELA
Wednesday: June 10 - Student Distance Learning Organizer
Math, Science, PE, and Health
Thursday, June 11 - Student Distance Learning Organizer
History, ELA, Voags (Related and Major)
Last day for new assignments
Friday, June 12-
October 14, 2024: No School October 15, 2024 **5:00 Late buses Late bus Schedule ** Boys Soccer vs Old Colony @ 3:30 ** Cross Country @ ...

Good Afternoon Students, Parents, and Community Members: Teacher Appreciation Week: Monday kicks off Teacher Appreciation Week and we are f...
Good Afternoon Students, Parents, and Community Members: We would like to wish all the Mom’s in our Bristol Aggie community, a Happy Mother...