- 10/1: Freshman & Senior in person
- 10/1: Sophomore and Junior Virtual
- 10/1: Lunch: Stuffed Crust Cheese Pizza, Stuffed Crust Pepperoni Pizza Or Grab n Go, Options, Mixed Vegetable, Fresh Garden Salad, Assorted Fresh & Canned Fruits
Our Calendar
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Monday, September 28, 2020
- 9/30: Sophomore and Juniors in person
- 9/30: Freshman and Seniors Virtual
- If you have ordered last years yearbook , They are available for pickup in the main office on Thursday and Friday.
- Lunch: Build a Better Burger or Impossible Vegetarian Burger, Lettuce, Tomato, Cheese, oven baked French Fries, Baked Boston Beans, Grab and Go Options, Fresh Garden Salad, Assorted Fresh and Canned Fruits.
Friday, September 25, 2020
Aggie Weekly- September 25th
Good Afternoon Students, Parents, and Community Members:
We have completed our first full week of school. We have made adjustments to our schedule that now has all the students in-person in front of their teacher only and we no longer need to stream into nearby classrooms. We will still be streaming classes live for the virtual students, however, in-person will be with their teacher 100% of the time. We had to think outside the box and use different areas like the gym, small gym, small cafeteria, arbor classroom, and more. We appreciate your patience and flexibility during this time. We will continue to look for ways to improve our educational experience.
Feeling Sick: New Protocol
We wanted to update our school community on our new protocol for students who are feeling sick and for any questions or information regarding COVID-19. Rather than calling the main office, please direct all such calls to our nurse, Ms. Courville, at 508-69-6744 x115 or email at ccourville@bcahs.com. If you have any questions about this email, please contact the nurse for more information.
In the Classroom:
Junior Flori Students: Students converted greenhouse space into a shop design area and practiced the Byzantine art of making topiaries.
BCAHS | Dining Service Meals Pre-Order Form for Students in Remote learning Monday-Friday and Hybrid students during their virtual learning days:
Meals are available for Free for our students until December 31, 2020, we encourage all students who are in remote learning Monday-Friday and Hybrid students during their virtual learning days to complete the Pre-order form and select a Breakfast and Lunch for at home days.
Dining Services
For more information please click here.
HouseHold Free and Reduced Lunch Applications process
Please contact Mrs. Donna Welshman Dwelshman@bcahs.com for the Household Free and Reduced Lunch Application, if you have not already done so. Please fill out the application and return it back to the Main office. If you received a direct certification letter from us, you do not need to fill out the application.
Additional Resources:
SNAP is a program that can help you or your family afford food. Everyone who applies and is eligible will be enrolled! You will receive a monthly cash benefit on an EBT card that you can use like a debit card for food shopping.
To apply for SNAP, visit www.startwithsnap.org or call the Project Bread FoodSource Hotline at 1-800-645-8333.
MSBA Update: All the bricks have been laid for the Student Commons building! We are one step closer to occupying our new spaces.
On Wednesday, Mrs. Welshman, Mrs. Gwozdz, Supt. Sands, Mrs. Hough, Ms. Blanchard,
Mrs. Nogueira and Mrs. Dias toured the new facilities.
If you purchased a yearbook last year you can pick it up in the main office on Thursday, October 1st or on Friday, October 2nd.
Please email Mrs. Ward at eward@bcahs.com with any questions.
The Week Ahead:
Monday, September 28
Freshman/Seniors In-Person
Sophomores/Juniors Virtual
Gym: Sophomores 2nd period
Tuesday, September 29
Sophomores/Juniors In-Person
Freshman/Seniors Virtual
Gym: Freshman 2nd period
Wednesday, September 30
All students Virtual: We will be using this day to deep clean the campus
Follow the new/same bell schedule (see below) as the in person days
Juniors 6th period
Seniors 7th period
Thursday, October 1
Freshman/Seniors In-Person
Sophomores/Juniors Virtual
Friday, October 2
Sophomores/Juniors In-Person
Freshman/Seniors Virtual
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Monday, September 21, 2020
Friday, September 18, 2020
Aggie Weekly- September 18th
Good Afternoon Students, Parents, and Community Members:
This week was special in that we welcomed back our kids into the classroom both in-person and virtually. It was very rewarding to see our students in whatever capacity that we are in. On Wednesday, the day before students arrived on campus, Mr. Cook (Arbor Dept Head) provided some remarks (see below) to get us in focus for this year. The main idea was that we are here for our kids and that we will do whatever it takes to support them and make this school year successful. We heard from our alumni the impact that our staff has on our students. We all understand that it is not our ideal conditions, but that we are making the best of the situation. The last two days have proven to be worth all of the hard work and effort from each staff member and we will continue to adapt and overcome whatever situation there is to make it about our kids. We look forward to this school year and appreciate all the support we have received from our community.
Click here (you will have to download the video. It is worth it!) to hear how Mr. Cook provided encouragement and support to our staff. before welcoming our students back!
Lessons Learned from Week 1:
Virtual Learning: In order to build classroom camaraderie here are some helpful hints that we recommend for each student:
Upload a selfie into your google account so teachers can help to know who you are
When asking a question virtually, use the following prompt, “Hi Mr./Ms/ Smith my name is John Adams and I have a question about (topic here).”
Lunch: Over the last two days, we have allowed students to select their lunch seats. These seats will be theirs for the first term. Additionally, students are to be seated at their designated seat, then they will be dismissed to the lunch line.
Schedules: Ensure you have the most updated schedule in PowerSchool. The week before school started, we made some adjustments, so there may be some updates.
Communication, Communication, Communication: Communicate early and often with your teachers. If you will not be in class for any reason, please notify your teacher. We do not want to waste anyone’s time in us waiting for anyone to join our Google meets.
Books: Any students who have not returned their books, please do so on Monday/Tuesday. We need these books to give to the next class. We will be sending invoices to any books not returned by Wednesday.
New Traffic Pattern in Gilbert: In an effort to create a safe environment, we tried to limit the hallways and stairwells to one way traffic. We quickly realized that this original student traffic pattern did not work and created more confusion and students running into one another. Instead we have created 2-way traffic in Gilbert with arrows. All traffic is to stay to the right side of the hallway and be on their side of the hallway at all times. The same goes for the stairwells. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates to our Fall Reentry Plan.
Virtual Town Hall: It was a great meeting with families virtually on Tuesday through Zoom and FB live. Thank you for attending. We had approximately 130 students and parents joining us. Below are the resources from the meeting:
Virtual Tours/Directions: Basement, First Floor, Second Floor
Visitors on campus:
Student dismissal: Parents will call the main office for student dismissal. Students will check out in the main office then exit.
Parent Entry: Only parents will be allowed in the building if they have an appointment with a staff member (IEP, 504, Administration meeting etc). All visitors must sign in upon arrival. A log of all visitors must be kept and maintained for 30 days, with the date, contact phone number, arrival/departure times, and areas visited within the building for each visit.
If a parent needs to drop off items (lunch/ book bag etc) to the student, the parent will call the main office to notify them that they are in the Gilbert Hall parking lot with an item for a student. The student will be called out of class and directed to the main office exit to retrieve their belongings from their guardian.
Back to School Photos:
It's not too late to join us tomorrow evening! Sites are on sale until noon tomorrow. Limited availability!
First meeting is Wednesday, September 23. All are welcome!
MSBA Update: This week’s #RealityvsRendering update from our project.
The Week Ahead:
Monday, September 21
Freshman/Seniors In-Person
Sophomores/Juniors Virtual
Gym: Sophomores 2nd period
Tuesday, September 22
Sophomores/Juniors In-Person
Freshman/Seniors Virtual
Gym: Freshman 2nd period
Wednesday, September 23
All students Virtual: We will be using this day to deep clean the campus
Follow the new/same bell schedule (see below) as the in person days
Juniors 6th period
Seniors 7th period
Thursday, September 24
Freshman/Seniors In-Person
Sophomores/Juniors Virtual
Friday, September 25
Sophomores/Juniors In-Person
Freshman/Seniors Virtual
** 9/21: Freshman and Senior: in person
Sophomore and Juniors: Virtual
**9/21: Lunch: Pasta Bar w/assorted sauces, Steamed Broccoli, or Grab and Go options, Fresh Garden Salad, Assorted Fresh & Canned Fruits.
**Parent Pick up at 2:40 to allow buses to leave in a timely manner, if you do arrive early please wait in the overflow parking lot. Thank you for your understanding.
Monday, September 14, 2020
* Welcome Back to School
* School day is 8:10 a.m to 2:30 p.m
* 9/17/2020- Welcome back Seniors and Freshman
* 9/18/2020- Welcome back Juniors and Sophomores
*Lunch for 9/17 & 9/18: Crispy Chicken Sandwich , Lettuce, tomato & winter peas or Grab and Go Options, Fresh Garden Salad, Assorted Fresh & Canned Fruits
Friday, September 11, 2020
Aggie Weekly- September 11th
Good Morning Students, Parents, and Community Members:
Over the last two weeks, we have been working really hard (see photos below) to ensure that we have a successful school year. The Bristol Aggie family is committed to this school year and we will have 100% of our staff on site on day 1! As we look into the future, we cannot forget to remember that today is the 19th Anniversary of September 11th. Just as we felt (maybe not our students) on September 12, 2001 a need for us to come together as one, we feel the same sense of unity as this school year approaches. We will be looking for your continued support to make the 2020-2021 school year a successful experience for our students.
Virtual Town Hall: On Tuesday, September 15th at 5:00 pm, we will be hosting another Virtual Town Hall meeting to provide you with some updates to our Fall Reentry Plan. Some topics include:
Hybrid vs Full Virtual Learning
Virtual Learning Expectations
In-person and virtual day expectations
Lunch Schedule
Virtual PE Schedule
BCAHS Fall Reentry Plan (continuously updated)
Online shortages: Many districts nationwide are experiencing online shortages, please be patient as we go through this process.
First Day of School
Book returns from last year
Assigned seating
Signed syllabus
Transportation Update
Dining Services
How to use Zoom:
Go to. www.zoom.us At the top right of the screen, click "Join a Meeting"
You will need the following information to join the meeting:
Meeting ID: see email for details
Password: see email for details
You may be asked to create a username (if you do not have a Zoom account). This username is what will be displayed during our meeting.
On Tuesday, starting at 4:30 pm, the “Waiting Room” will open prior to the meeting getting started to help with the transition.
You can enable/disable video when entering the meeting (see below).
Upon entry everyone’s microphone will be muted during the meeting. Please ensure you are in a quiet room free from background noise (TVs, etc).
See below for helpful links
Event sponsorship Opportunities are available visit www.bristolaggie.org.
We have been busy preparing for our kids! Between the administration and Bristol Aggie’s finest, we were able to provide internal professional development to prepare us for our students both in hybrid and remote. Check out some of the pictures below!
Ms. Costa providing Social-Emotional Learning Training
Ms. Szurley providing QR code training (Student Sign Out Sheet)
Mr. Costa providing Interactive Whiteboard Training
Mrs. Noel providing integrated technology and formative assessment training
Mr. McKeen is providing PD on how to increase engagement on the interactive boards
Mr. Higgins providing virtual breakout rooms for collaboration
FREE Virtual Resource for ALL Caretakers
STARTING Tuesday September 15!!!!!
Parents Supporting Parents (PSP)
We recognize what a challenging time this is. There is still much uncertainty and many challenges as the school year begins in whatever form your school district has chosen (hybrid, remote, etc.). We know that parents and caretakers are under tremendous pressure! We also know that caretakers are creative, resilient problem-solvers. The BRYT Family Engagement Team invites you to participate in our weekly Parents Supporting Parents group where parents can get & receive support from each other.
*** The purpose of these groups is to give parents an opportunity to give and receive support to each other. PSP groups are not designed to supplement mental health treatment. ***
Please join us every week for PARENTS SUPPORTING PARENTS. Simply click the link and join the Zoom meeting. All are welcome so please share with family and friends.
*** Confidentiality Agreement*** In order to create a safe space for all we ask that by participating in a group you are acknowledging to also keep all information including names, schools, etc. confidential.
College Fairs
Since college visits will be difficult to schedule like a normal school year please take the opportunity to attend a virtual college fair held by the National Association of College Admission Counseling. The next two dates are this Sunday, September 13 and Monday, October 12. Over 600 colleges and universities will be in attendance and it all can be done from the comfort of your own home! Check out this weekend’s list of schools in attendance on the picture below.
** Please make sure Physical Exams and Immunization records are up to date. Physical Exams are good for 13 months from the date completed. If you have any questions feel free to call Chris Courville, RN @ 508-669-6744 ext 115 or email ccourville@bcahs.com
** For students who take Prescription medication at school- please call to arrange drop off time prior to the start of school. A new doctor’s order is needed for every school year. Last year’s order will not be valid. Doctor’s offices can fax orders to 508-669-4079
** Please email consent to administer OTC medication, ie Tylenol or Ibuprofen.
** Hand hygiene is critical. Students and staff are required to exercise hand hygiene (hand washing or sanitizing) upon arrival to school, before eating, before putting on and taking off masks, and before dismissal. DPH guidance can be located at:
** Handwashing removes pathogens from the surface of the hands. While handwashing with soap and water is the best option, alcohol-based hand sanitizer (at least 60 percent ethanol or at least 70 percent isopropanol) may be utilized when hand washing is not available. CDC. (2020).
Hand Hygiene Recommendations. Available at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/hand-hygiene.html
Influenza Vaccine Requirement for School Attendance
Beginning with the 2020-2021 school year, influenza vaccine will be required for all students. Influenza vaccine is always important to receive to reduce the risk of getting sick with influenza, reduce the severity of disease if one does get sick (including the risk of hospitalization) due to influenza, as well as preventing the spread of influenza to others. During the COVID-19 pandemic, influenza vaccine will be especially critical to reduce the overall impact of respiratory illness on the population, protect vulnerable populations from severe illness, and decrease the overall burden on the healthcare system.
Which students need to receive the influenza vaccine?
Students in Kindergarten – Grade 12 will be required to receive influenza vaccine for the current influenza season for school attendance unless they have a medical or religious exemption.
When do students need to receive the influenza vaccine?
Students must receive influenza vaccine for the current season by December 31, 2020.
Are there any exemptions to receiving influenza vaccine?
Medical and religious exemptions are allowable in the state of Massachusetts.
GSA: First meeting of the GSA will be Wednesday, September 23rd! All are welcome!
MSBA Update: The progress has been incredible since the last time we had our students on site. Each week we include a #RealityvsRendering from the same perspective.
The Week Ahead:
Monday, September 14: No School
Tuesday, September 15: No School
Virtual Town Hall @ 5:00 pm (see above for details)
Wednesday, September 16: No School
Thursday, September 17: FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! WOOHOO!
8:10-8:20 Seniors will go to the gym and drop off books by subject
Friday, September 18:
8:10-8:20 Juniors will go to the gym and drop off books by subject
11:25-11:35 Sophs will go to the gym and drop off books by subject
October 14, 2024: No School October 15, 2024 **5:00 Late buses Late bus Schedule ** Boys Soccer vs Old Colony @ 3:30 ** Cross Country @ ...

Good Afternoon Students, Parents, and Community Members: Teacher Appreciation Week: Monday kicks off Teacher Appreciation Week and we are f...
Good Afternoon Students, Parents, and Community Members: We would like to wish all the Mom’s in our Bristol Aggie community, a Happy Mother...